Things to Consider Before Beginning an SEO Campaign
If you have a website and want to begin SEO, have you thought about it properly? Do you know what you want you want to achieve and have you planned properly? The aim of this article is to give you some advice on the things you need to think about before you get started on your SEO campaign.
The first thing to say is that if you are considering SEO then your marketing strategy is going along the right lines. However the last thing you want to do is waste money. Before you begin there are some important questions you should ask yourself. Once you have addressed all of them then you are ready to begin:
1. What do you want to happen?
This seems a very simple question but it is important to set proper goals. Many companies will focus on getting higher rankings in the search engines. However this is a very vague measure and you should think more in terms of traffic and conversions. Your goal should be to get more people to your website and to increase the percentage of those people that you get to buy your products or services.
Another important thing to do before you begin is to get an understanding of SEO. If you know nothing about it then how can you expect to find a firm that will be able to effectively carry out your goals? Like in any other area there are plenty of companies that claim to do SEO but really have very little knowledge at all. In order to find a good firm you need to know what questions to ask and the only way to do this is to research the subject and get an understanding yourself.
2. Where do you want to be?
You know you want to appear in the search engines, but what do you want to appear for. Think of the main areas of your business and what words you think you have the greatest chance of converting for. You can either research the words yourself or a good SEP company will be able to help. It is important to find words that are not only relevant but also have a high search volume and low competition.
3. What will it take to achieve your goals?
Many companies will tell their SEO company that they want to get to the top of the search engines urgently. This is where you should be careful. It is important to point out that there is no magic or any special tricks involved with SEO. The main idea behind search engines is that they want to show interesting popular sites first.
You might be in the very lucky group of people that already have a popular interesting website and there are just some technical changes needed to help your ranking. However if you are being realistic there are a few things you will need to think about.
Firstly you might have to wait time to acquire the links you need to be at the top of the search engines. Secondly you may need to employ the services of a copywriter to produce more content for your website that you need to compete. Also remember that the more competitive your keywords the longer it will take and the more work required to get to the top of the search engines.
4. What will it cost to achieve your goals?
It is important to know what your SEO efforts will cost you and what your return on investment will be. Remember that SEO experts that do the job properly are hard to come by and so will cost decent money. However the return on investment can be great and well worth the investment.
Let’s suppose you are spending £5000 per month on your SEO. After a few months you are appearing in the top 2 for the search engines for your keywords. If chosen correctly this could generate you 50,000 visitors per month. Being conservative, let’s suppose you convert 10,000 of those visitors and an average sale for you is £5. This means you will bring in £50,000 of sales giving you an ROI of 1000%. This is clearly an investment you should be making.
There is a great saying - Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. What we mean by this is don’t jump into your SEO campaign before you have carefully planned out the route you are going to take. In the long run it will save time and money.
If you have found this article useful then you can get more information from Dazines - website optimisation, London UK. Dazines - website design, web development, SEO Company London UK
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