Monday, April 13, 2009

Architecture for SEO

Making your web site's information and content affects various parts of your business's web sites,

Achieving high search engine rankings can drive voluminous amounts of targeted traffic to your website, but making the site user friendly is also important. You need to create a logical information architecture that will make sense to users.

In addition to users, it's also necessary to consider search engines in creating an intelligent content structure. You want to ensure you're giving the right pages the right amount of emphasis.

Web design for businesses should also feature a natural walk through the conversion process. IA in these instances should walk the user through the conversion process, offering informative pages which begin with broad, early-in-the-buying cycle content and consistently moves the user towards the next step in the purchasing process.

While every link on your site has value and passes some degree of "link equity" (search engines essentially see links as votes, and each "vote" passes a certain amount of "juice," also known as link equity), two types of links tend to pass considerably more juice than others,

Internal Links:
Links that are in your site's "site wide navigation" include an internal link on each page of your site. These links, notably those in your site's tool bar or left or right navigation bars, pass a lot of "juice" as they are voting for their targeted page across your site.

Inbound Links:
Your website receives link equity not only from its own pages, but also from other pages across the Web. In many cases, most of these inbound links will be pointed at your home page. Thus, pages that are "closer" to the home page (linked to directly from the site's home page) receive more of this valuable link equity.

The higher up in your site's architecture a page is, the more likely that page will be able to rank for more competitive keywords. The most competitive keywords, as one might imagine, are generally the short, broad, traffic driving keywords.


OnlyTop10 said...

I think if you can include the use of flash in the architecture, what to avoid when you focus on SEO will bring in more completeness to the article.

Unknown said...

Good content.

Today with the economic recession, there are many people who are looking out to increase targeted traffic to their website or blog. There are several strategies one can use to achieve this which may be either free or paid. For instance, you can set up a PPC campaign and expect instant traffic and results if it is set up and optimized the right way.

However, if you are looking to save on your cost and at the same time want the most useful strategy, then building back links naturally is very effective. This is especially the best tactic when you have an inbound link coming from a website that receives high traffic and also that’s relevant to your site. This process could be quite time consuming, but worth the efforts in the long run. However, make sure that the quality of your links is not compromised as it’s the quality that counts and not quantity.

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