Monday, March 10, 2008

Why we are using Black Hat & White Hat SEOs

The black hat SEOs and the white hat SEOs means we can say bad guys and the white hat SEOs are known as the good guys in the eyes of search engine, the white hat SEOs would be the innocent guys. Normally the white hate SEOs are suppose to win over the black hat SEOs, but this is something which is controlled to the blue screen of your TV and not your PC.

Here we are trying to reviews is that no search engine marketing service is completely right or completely wrong in its reality. These is what you are performing at your level and how the search engine is analyze it, so again that is depend on search engine they are either nominated by them or banned your site. If your techniques of SEOs annoy the search engines, they might just eliminate your site from search engine ranking totally and vice a versa.

Now the facts are, there is no more competition of the good guys winning over the bad guys. Instead it is the immergences of new area, where black hat techniques are also consider being right technique. Like if we take keyword usages, according the right white hat way of optimization u should not be used your keywords too many times in your webpage, but again there is no official control to usage of your keywords. Search engine has not mentioned any where that, these many times u can use your keyword in your webpage, and so it would be sagely & secure search engine or white hat technique.

Don’t get confused between Black Hat & White Hat SEOs , I would suggest that instead of out truly, you following only well or the bad things in SEOs, it is better and very good to find out the way to do SEOs. You should continue to do experimenting with all the various techniques of marketing or web promotion which you like or don’t like, and which is also available online. Find out the way yourself that how the major search engine reacts on your techniques & this is how you can measure your SEOs techniques as well as our expertise in SEOs.

So don’t follow the other rules or just do listed the white hat technique or black hat technique. It is appreciated to be saying a very good SEO. I SEO Specialist India like to do experiment the techniques of SEOs and the same thing I am following. What do you suggest?

Occupation: SEO Specialist India
Bhupendra Vasaikar - SEO Specialist in Ahmedabad India provide search engine optimization services, Link Building popularity services, Directory submission services, Article making & submission, Blog promotion and lot more… please visit my website Seo Services India


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