Monday, March 3, 2008

SEO is Easy - Be Your Own SEO Expert

SEO isn’t nearly as hard as it’s made out to be. A good majority of the so-called “SEO Experts” are out to get your money. They run services, so they want you to believe SEO is some kind of a science.

In the past several years, I’ve been creating and marketing Websites. For the longest time I believed all the hype of mumbo-jumbo that’s constantly floating around out there about how you need to study search engines and stay on top of them 24/7 if you want to see good rankings.

During that time I continued to do all of the basic things we know we should be doing in order to rank well:

- Work on a lot of quality incoming links.
- Research your keywords and target relevant keywords
- Compose a good META title and description

I worked on those few things as well as a few other basic SEO techniques and over time I found myself competing for the first page of Google for some very competitive keywords!

I’m not talking about baby keywords either. I’m talking about those like “make money online,” “article directory” etc.

The fact is; there are loads of myths involved in the education of SEO online. Many of these myths come from those who are looking for customers for their SEO consulting firms and services.

It wasn’t until I stopped worrying about the latest search engine changes etc. that I started to see some extremely impressive results.

If you’ve been running a Website for a few months and you think SEO is hard, think again! Just learn the basics because that’s really all it takes.

Do your basic on-page optimization and build a lot of quality links! The rest will fall into place naturally and you won’t be paying ungodly rates to “SEO consultants” who nine times out of ten don’t know what they’re doing anyway!

To see the exact SEO Strategy that I use to conquer loads of extremely competitive search terms, visit where I offer the best SEO Report on the market FREE of Charge!


Unknown said...

i think good tips u share..keep on...i back soon...
can u ans me this questions..

1. What’s the difference between Page Rank and Tool Bar Page Rank?

2. Why might you want to use no-follow on an internal link?


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